A groovy reality check for the modern world, “(dIS) cONNECTED” is inspired by our frequent use of technology and the dangers it can cause. A remix of NSEC’s debut single “cONNECTED”, with a faster pulse and an even catchier groove. What starts as a punchy, 80s-inspired electronic dance track leaves us wondering how our relationships have been negatively impacted by social media. In a world dominated by technology, nON sTOP eROTIC cABARET brings forth a wake-up call to those who are chronically online. 

Timmy Faith and Damo Devotion (our two erotic cabaret creators) started working on their early demos in self-isolation after meeting at a festival. Since then, they have made songs about all aspects of life, and their robot singer Marvin Magnificence helps them communicate the lyrics to the public. Some of their discography includes “sLAVE tO tHE (aLGO)rHYTHM” and “dEATH fROM aBOVE”, tackling subjects such as the modern music industry and world conflict.

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